WTF Affiliates & Charities
Some products on this page are charities | non-profit organizations that align with our mindset and mission. Other products are being promoted simply because we think they are a good idea or might have some value to our students. However, WTF Academy isn’t trying to be everything to everyone. Therefore we only stock or carry an inventory for those things directly related to weapons instruction, every-day-carry (EDC), training aides, etc.
Some products that we don’t carry in stock can be purchased from their original manufacturer or distributor and we will provide a link to those sites. SOME of these “Affiliates” will offer a small commission back to WTF Academy for promoting their products. We determined that in these scenarios it was better to simply do this than unnecessarily mark the items up above MSRP. By doing this you the consumer will pay exactly what you would have paid from that products website without undue cost increase.
IMPORTANT NOTE: WTF Academy DOES NOT take anything in return for promoting the charity | non-profit organizations showcased. This will be clearly noted on the product page for the organization. We simply want to get the word out and we have requested and received the necessary permissions to showcase their good works.